Preserving biodiversity:
our shared responsibility
A Belgian Federal strategy
The aim of this strategy is to reach out to the general public, businesses and public authorities and inform them about the issues surrounding the preservation of biodiversity.
What can I do as
Our objectives
Preserving biodiversity is a major challenge that concerns us all!
Raise awareness
Raise awareness the general public, businesses and public authorities about the issues involved in preserving biodiversity.
Mobilise entrepreneurs and citizen-consumers to encourage a shift in markets towards products and consumption that are more respectful of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Set an example
Set an example in terms of integrating biodiversity.
Thematic Articles
Belgian Alliance for Biodiversity
Biodiversity protects us, when it is protected!
The BBA (Belgian Biodiversity Alliance) aims to inspire and mobilise Belgian society as a whole in the fight against biodiversity loss. The Alliance aims to bring together all those who are taking action in our country to protect, restore and sustainably use biodiversity.
More about Biodiversity
Our last campaign !
One illegally introduced exotic species and everything can change!
Everyday actions to protect and preserve biodiversity are essential, both at home and when travelling!