BeBiodiversity I take care of myself

I take care of myself

I use the care products that I really need and in small quantities.

I reduce the agricultural area necessary to manufacture my cosmetics and I limit the overexploitation of species. In this way, I help preserve primates in tropical forests and rare plant species.

I use cosmetics whose production methods are respectful of biodiversity (labels, sustainable production, and few chemicals).

I limit the pollution of ecosystems, particularly agricultural ecosystems, by chemicals. In this way, I contribute to preserving birds and insects in our countryside.

I use products with little packaging, such as soap bars, and larger container sizes.

By using EU Ecolabel products for instance, I limit the pollution of rivers, seas and oceans by plastic waste. In this way, I help preserve marine turtles and seabirds.

I use reusable care accessories such as make-up remover discs made of washable fabric and I avoid, for example, disposable wipes.

I limit the agricultural area needed to manufacture my care accessories and, by doing so, I limit habitat destruction. In this way, I contribute to preserving the vast steppes of Uzbekistan threatened by cotton cultivation.

I use a cup or reusable sanitary towels.

I limit the massive use of pesticides in the production of cotton, the main component of tampons. I limit water and soil pollution caused by plastic used in sanitary towels. In this way, I contribute to the preservation of African soils and beaches around the world.

I use recycled toilet paper sparingly, and I use the bidet or the shower head.

I limit the number of trees cut down and, by doing so, I preserve the fauna in our forests.

I convince others to do the same.

I visit to find lots of smart tips.

What is the connection between...

BeBiodiversity a smartphone and a gorilla PLAY

a smartphone and a gorilla

BeBiodiversity sushi and a turtle PLAY

sushi and a turtle

BeBiodiversity a bottle of shampoo and the northern fulmar PLAY

a bottle of shampoo and the northern fulmar

BeBiodiversity ficus and a hedgehog PLAY

ficus and a hedgehog

BeBiodiversity hawaiian pizza and the European beech PLAY

hawaiian pizza and the European beech