BeBiodiversity I get dressed

I get dressed

I buy the clothes I really need. I buy second-hand, barter or rent from specialty stores.

I reduce the agricultural area needed for textile production and, by doing so, I reduce the risks of habitat destruction. In this way, I contribute to the preservation of chimpanzees in tropical forests.

I favour eco-friendly, sustainable, organic and certified clothing.

I limit the pollution of ecosystems, particularly agricultural ecosystems, by chemicals.  In this way, I contribute to preserving wildlife in agricultural ecosystems around the world.

I buy locally made clothing (Belgium/Europe).

I limit the transportation of goods, mainly by boat, and, by doing so, I limit noise and water pollution in the marine environment. In this way, I help to preserve belugas and dolphins.

I prefer materials such as linen or hemp over cotton.

I limit the amount of water needed to make my clothes and thus limit my impact on the natural habitats that depend on this water. In this way, I contribute to preserving the vast steppes of Uzbekistan.

I wear my clothes as long as possible before washing them and I avoid synthetic materials with glitter or glued patterns.

I limit the pollution of aquatic environments by synthetic textile fibres that spill into the water as a result of washing. In this way, I help to preserve freshwater fish.

I choose eco-friendly products to wash my clothes such as EU Ecolabel products.

I limit the pollution of rivers, seas and oceans by polluting substances such as dyes. In this way, I contribute to preserving the seabed and the health of the salmon.

I convince others to do the same.

I visit to find lots of smart tips.

What is the connection between...

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