BeBiodiversity I eat

I eat

I eat local and in season

I avoid transporting goods, mainly by boat, and, by doing so, I limit noise and water pollution in the marine environment. In this way, I contribute e.g. to preserving whales.

I only buy the food I need.

I limit food waste and, therefore, the agricultural area needed as well as the risks of deforestation. In this way, I contribute to the preservation of primates in tropical forests.

I buy my food in bulk and I choose foods with as little packaging as possible.

I limit the pollution of rivers, seas and oceans by plastic waste. In this way, I contribute to the preservation of seabirds.

I  eat less meat.

I limit the risks of deforestation as I limit my contribution to climate change and the agricultural area needed for food. In this way, I contribute to preserving the beautiful savannah of Brazil.

I choose foods by favouring production methods that respect biodiversity (labels, sustainable production, no pesticides).

I limit the pollution of ecosystems, particularly agricultural ecosystems, by chemicals. In this way, I contribute to preserving birds and insects in our countryside.

I use different guides to choose my food.

limit the overexploitation of species by using, for example, the WWF fish guide. In this way, I help preserve marine turtles.

I prefer less processed foods.

I limit ingredients and products resulting from deforestation, such as palm oil, or linked to agricultural pollution. In this way, I contribute to the survival of orangutans and the preservation of their habitat.

I use a flask and I choose reusable straws.

I limit the pollution of rivers, seas and oceans by plastic waste. In this way, I contribute to preserving the seabed.

I convince others to do the same.

I visit to find lots of smart tips.

What is the connection between...

BeBiodiversity a smartphone and a gorilla PLAY

a smartphone and a gorilla

BeBiodiversity sushi and a turtle PLAY

sushi and a turtle

BeBiodiversity a bottle of shampoo and the northern fulmar PLAY

a bottle of shampoo and the northern fulmar

BeBiodiversity ficus and a hedgehog PLAY

ficus and a hedgehog

BeBiodiversity hawaiian pizza and the European beech PLAY

hawaiian pizza and the European beech