BeBiodiversity I garden and grow

I garden and grow

In my garden or home, I prefer native plant species.

I prevent invasive species from being spread. In this way, I help preserve local species such as earthworms.

I set up my garden to accommodate local fauna: I plan wild land areas and plant flowers for bees, I leave dead branches, I prefer natural hedgerows rather than fences, I prune outside nesting periods, etc.

I provide everything necessary for small animals (birds, small rodents, etc.) to live. In this way, I help preserve endangered species such as the hedgehog.

I use natural products to keep pests away (vinegar, etc.) or grow my local flowers (compost, etc.). If I buy plants in nurseries, I make sure they have not been treated with chemicals.

I limit the pollution of ecosystems by chemicals. In this way, I contribute to preserving pollinators and birds in our countryside.

I use compost for my organic waste.

I limit soil and air pollution associated with landfilling or incineration of my waste. In this way, I help preserve the precious insects in our countryside.

I convince others to do the same.

I visit to find lots of smart tips.

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