
High pressures on biodiversity can be avoided by applying specific manufacturing methods - from raw material production to product packaging - but also by more environment-friendly internal procedures. A soft mobility plan, for instance, an optimised waste management and resource management scheme, reasoned and sustainable gift and incentive policies and teleworking solutions are examples of measures making it possible to reduce that pressure.

They did it

Amanprana bans plastic from its packaging.

Amanprana exclusively uses cardboard and glass packaging. All the paper used in their offices is FSC-labelled, is not uselessly printed and, as far as possible, ends up in the paper shredder to be re-used for stuffing and securing parcel shipments. The company does not even send samples. By doing so, they limit the use of plastic and the spreading of it in our soils and oceans.

What is Amanprana?

Amanprana offers a range of organic and fair-trade products from edible oils to body oils that have one thing in common, i.e. softness for our well-being and for nature.


Ecosem – biodiversity-friendly harvesting methods

Ecosem's specificity is to propose seeds and plants with a controlled regional origin, mostly harvested in Wallonia, and adapted to our climate, to our soils and to the local fauna. By doing so, this company reduces the risk of importing invasive alien species which, at European level, represent an estimated economic loss of 12 billion euros on a yearly basis. Harvesting is done manually on small parcels, mechanically on larger ones, and no chemicals are used for growing wild plants in greenhouses.

What is Ecosem?

Ecosem is a company specialised in producing and selling seeds and indigenous plants of controlled origin.


Practically, what can I do for my business?

BiodiversiTree is an online tool that helps you choose actions for biodiversity according to your situation, your resources, the place where you are located and your activity field.

Try the BiodiversiTree tool Try the BiodiversiTree tool

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