To offer a good or a service, all businesses need to buy raw materials, final products or other services. Depending on their origin, on the production or extraction method used, interchangeable raw materials and goods/services will have another impact on biodiversity. For instance, ore extraction or intensive palm tree farming often involve the destruction of tropical forests, jeopardizing the numerous species living in those forests.
They did it
Organic herbal teas from Tilman – a biodiversity-friendly choice
What is Tilman?
Tilman is a Belgian pharmaceutical laboratory that has made a nature-minded choice: manufacturing phytotherapy products. Phytotherapy is a medical practice based on the use of plants. www.tilman.be
?Practically, what can I do for my business?
BiodiversiTree is an online tool that helps you choose actions for biodiversity according to your situation, your resources, the place where you are located and your activity field.
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To offer a good or a service, all businesses need to buy raw materials, final products or other services.
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The effects of business facilities on biodiversity depends on certain construction options and the building materials used.
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High pressures on biodiversity can be avoided by applying specific manufacturing methods.
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It's important for businesses to lay out and manage their grounds in coherence with local biodiversity.
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